Call for papers

Call for papers

- Abstracts for poster or oral communications must include a 10-line abstract, a 5-line biobibliographical CV

 ̶  The submission of an abstract will be via:

̶ Proposals for poster or oral communication should clearly state:

The title of the paper;

4 to 5 keywords to identify the theme, the field of analysis and the perspective adopted;

The topic to which the proposal relates;

The choice of presentation: oral or poster.

- Biobibliographic CVs should clearly state:

Title of the communication proposal ;

Name and surname of the author(s) ;

Affiliation, title, rank of the author(s) ;

Professional address;

Author(s) email ;

Author(s)' main publications


Submission procedure

New submission
1. Indicate the title
2. Type: choose oral or poster
3. Choose a topic
4. Fill in the keywords
5. Next step
6. Inform the author(s)
7. Next step
8. Summary: choose the file corresponding to your summary and upload. 
The file is automatically modified in .pdf version 7. Supplementary data: choose the file corresponding to your Bibliographic CV and upload 8. Type of file: select "Other" 9. Next step Overview 11. Deposit. The deposit of the Bibliographic CV is made at the time of the deposit of the files in "additional data". Please remember to select "other" in file type before going to the next step. An email will be sent to you to confirm receipt of your communication proposal.

̶  Call deadline : 20 January 2023. 31 January 2023

̶  Notification for Acceptance: 28 February 2023. 26 March 2023

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