Call for papersCall for papers - Abstracts for poster or oral communications must include a 10-line abstract, a 5-line biobibliographical CV ̶ The submission of an abstract will be via: ̶ Proposals for poster or oral communication should clearly state: The title of the paper; 4 to 5 keywords to identify the theme, the field of analysis and the perspective adopted; The topic to which the proposal relates; The choice of presentation: oral or poster. - Biobibliographic CVs should clearly state: Title of the communication proposal ; Name and surname of the author(s) ; Affiliation, title, rank of the author(s) ; Professional address; Author(s) email ; Author(s)' main publications
Submission procedure
New submission
1. Indicate the title
2. Type: choose oral or poster
3. Choose a topic
4. Fill in the keywords
5. Next step
6. Inform the author(s)
7. Next step
8. Summary: choose the file corresponding to your summary and upload.
̶ Call deadline : 20 January 2023. 31 January 2023 ̶ Notification for Acceptance: 28 February 2023. 26 March 2023 |
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